At Georgia Stone Products safety is the responsibility of each individual and we are all held accountable for going home safely at the end of each work day. We create safe work environments by providing quality training, continually improving our systems and processes, and listening to our employees’ ideas. Most importantly, if there is a safety concern, each employee has the authority to stop any job, at any time.
Our goal is World Class Performance by achieving ZERO incidents daily.
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- 5s: Sort, Simplify, Sweep/Shine, Standardize, Sustain/Self discipline
- Near Miss Reporting
- Good Catch Reporting
- Safety Leadership Teams
- Leadership Team Safety Observations
- Share Safety Practices
- Truck Fleet Video Monitoring
- Employee Safety Incentive Program
- First Responders Safety Site Visits
- MSHA and OSHA-compliant Safety Uniforms
- Risk assessment for non-routine tasks
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New hire training
- Employees undergo extensive training and task competency testing that exceeds MSHA and OSHA requirements
Refresher safety training
- Employees participate in ongoing refresher safety training
Driver Training Program
- New employee drivers work with a senior driver and mentor prior to driving solo
- All drivers participate in ongoing safety training
- Utilize Samsara Driver Training Program
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- Peer to Peer Safety program, including mentor training
- Employee-led Post Incident Education (PIE)